My first training certificate as an NFT!
Diego Borgo, web3/metaverse strategist and advisor
I’m so glad & proud to belong to the first graduates of the Diego Borgo Masterclass “How brands should enter the metaverse and NFT space“ together with around 100 other smart people from all over the world. I'd recommend Diego's Nas Academy course to everyone who wants to build their own web3 project, no matter if you have a beginner's mind or advanced knowledge of NFTs.
As the web3 space is still pretty new and developing at such a fast pace no one of us has trained for this industry. We are all still learning. But you need that drive and curiosity to learn something new every day. The opportunities in web3 are endless. We’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg so far. Nobody is an expert in this field! And that was the main reason why I joined Diego Borgo’s first metaverse masterclass in July, learning more about his frameworks and strategies for NFT projects.
And here you can learn from the best - for a reasonable price! In his course Diego also provided interviews with pioneers in this space like lawyer Oliver Scherenberg, Volkswagen's Tim Walther, MediaMonks' Andre da Costa or Unilever's Willem Dinger.
Kicking of Diego's NFT Masterclass was already lot's of fun, meeting some of my classmates in a Zoom session. Surprise surprise, I wasn't the only one from Berlin (✌️ Mayya Geo) Around 50 beautiful minds from all over the world gathered on ZOOM: business owners, consultants, brand representatives, students, etc...
We talked about the benefits of brands in the metaverse! And here's what the 7-day-course was all about:
👾 How to bring your brand into the Metaverse
📈 How to use NFTs to grow your brand
🚀 Strategies to launch your project
👋 How to build community
💫 How to increase your reach with Web3
In one of the modules about frameworks for creating successful NFT/metaverse projects I was pleasantly surprised when Tim Walther, Metaverse & NFT at the Volkswagen Group, mentioned Fanzone's VfL Wolfsburg project and the successful auction of Porsche's first NFT, curated by Fanzone in August 2021. Thanks for the shoutout! On an extra note, all of the proceeds of the Porsche NFT auction were going towards Viva con Agua 's amazing efforts to achieve more available drinking water worldwide 💦 Making this a win-win-win.
Diego Borgo (left) interviewing Tim Walther about NFT & metaverse projects of the Volkswagen Group
🗣 Tim Walther: "NFTs have shown us that there is a nice use-case of blockchain [...] We could have a look at, what is working what is not working. Every brand who's doing it [NFTs] now, we all need to test and learn."
At the end of July we had our Graduation Zoom session, where we could present our projects to Diego & the other classmates. I was pitching a project idea about sustainable jewelry Phygitals, that also offered a win-win-win: It combined a crowdfunding strategy for lab-grown diamonds and recycled gold products, that were certified on a proof-of-stake blockchain & users get additional utility through holding those NFTs.
Besides useful frameworks for planning, executing & following up on your NFT project, one of the best advantages of this course was connecting to my classmates on Discord and exchanging ideas or getting their feedback for my pitch.
On OpenSea you can see my first training certificate as an NFT:
Pretty nice, don’t you think?
🦊 Transferring this NFT into my personal Metamask was a bit of a hassle and shows that the UI/UX with wallets still needs a lot of work. If private wallets serve as your digital identity, it needs to be much smoother. And they‘re not convenient enough to share with others…
🆙 Regarding the public display of your ownership of digital assets I'm excited for LUKSO‘s Universal Profiles (UP) >> smart contract based public user or creator profiles, where you can easily share and brag your NFT collection.
🎓 Another suggestion of Karel Byloos was that LinkedIn should add support for NFT certifications. What are your thoughts on that? Feel free to comment below.
🛒 A LITTLE GOODIE: Get 20% off on your course by using my code BJOERN1. Use the link to auto-apply the discount: